Become Involved
We offer several opportunities for people to become involved in ministry at Marlboro.

Marlboro's Music Ministry serves to promote an atmosphere for worshippers to freely offer praise and worship to God. Not only do they provide music for services, but they prepare the hearts of the people for the preaching of God's Word.

Marlboro's Youth Ministry engages creative strategies that are intended to meet the spiritual needs of children
between the ages of 4-18 years old.
Youth leaders teach about the Bible in relevant ways and create activities to expose children to the wonder of the Bible.
The Nursery is a ministry at Marlboro designed to meet the needs of both parents and children by providing childcare for children who are Newborn-3 years old during services. Parents who desire to embrace the liberty to worship without having to accommodate the demands of their children are welcome to sign their children into the nursery before services commence on Sundays.
Media Ministry creates both audio and video resources to accommodate the needs of those who are unable to attend services.

Bus Ministry provides transportation to Sunday services for those who are not able to drive themselves to church.
Those in need of transportation should contact our church office each week no later than Thursday by 12 p.m.

Ushers and Greeters serve to meet the needs of the ministry by assuring that order is kept during worship services.
Greeters are posted in the lobby each Sunday to
welcome congregants to worship with the love of Christ.
Ushers are devoted to maximizing the quality of every worship experience by preserving order in the sanctuary during services.